Call for paper and panel proposals

>>> The deadline for paper abstracts and panel proposals was April 15 2024. <<<

All around the world, cities play a crucial role in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. International networks of cities illustrate new ways of thinking public law. Cities are challenged to give local answers to global problems.

Cities are addressed by public law in many ways. Most prominently Ran Hirschl pointed to the constitutional silence regarding cities and claimed a transformation of the constitutional role of the cities. The integration of cities in constitutions depends on the overall concept of the state and refers to federalism as well as to local communities. The political dimension of cities can e.g. be seen in authoritarian regimes when city mayors are opposing autocrats. Administrative law transfers competences to cities and cities enforce administrative law on a local level. In that regard, the societal roles of cities are steadily increasing.

The conference aims to address the overall concept of cities in public law as well as concrete challenges of the 21st century and the role of cities in dealing with these challenges through public law. The conference is interested in global perspectives towards cities from all continents around the world as well as in particular experiences of the role of cities in Central and Eastern Europe, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

The ICON.S Austrian Chapter invites scholars from all around the world to participate in the first conference of the Austrian Chapter. The Austrian Chapter is happy to receive comparative and/or interdisciplinary abstracts or fully formed panels related in particular (but not limited) to the following topics of the conference:

  • The Status of Cities in Public Law (Public International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law)
  • Sustainable Cities (SDGs, Environmental Protection, Climate Change)
  • Smart Cities (Digitalization, AI, Mobility, Public Services)
  • Energy Citizenship (Energy Communities, Energy Self-Consumption)
  • Migration and Cities (Participation, Megacities, Integration, Equal Opportunities)
  • Human Rights and Cities (Accessibility, Diversity, Gender, Social Rights, Children´s Rights)
  • Good Governance and Cities (Integrity, Prevention of corruption, Transparency)
  • Democracy and Cities (Empowerment, Urban residents’ participation, Citizen´s Councils)
  • Security and Cities (Crime Prevention, Surveillance, Predictive Policing)
  • City networks (International Cooperation, National Cooperation)
  • Cities, Law and Urban Governance
  • The Grounded City (Cities and the Everyday Needs of their Citizens, Mobility, Public Services)
  • The Entrepreneurial City (Limits and Challenges from a Public Law Perspective)
  • Urbanity and Rurality in Public Law (Divided Societies, Suburbanization, Demography)
  • Culture and Cities
  • Public Health (Pollution, Health Services)

The selection process will be organised by a program committee, which will give an emphasis on high-standard, innovative work as well as on diversity of the scholars. Scholars of all ages and career stages are invited to participate; a specific relevance will be given to early career scholars.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.